viernes, 29 de agosto de 2014

The best holiday i,ve ever had

When  I was 15 or 16 years old, I’m started to be interested in travels, I considered a backpacking like heroes jejeje because I saw them like survivors, and I always wanted to do it.  But I knew that time I still being a girl who can’t travel with out her family. My mon in that time was a very control mother, and  I knew that should be a few years to finally go out myself, so, I thought that if I do a travel in a short distance my mom could say Yes!. And I made it, I’ve got my permission to travel alone (it wasn’t ALONE, I went with my boyfriend but it means “ with out my family”)

So, when  I had 17, that summer, I went to Valparaiso, because i just went there once and almost remembered. We never being travelling alone before.  Actually, we didn’t know what we should do. Jajajaj, I mean money administration, food, accomodation, etc. We just take the bus and we arrived in Valparaiso, we didn’t know the streets or anything.

For luck, my boyfriend spoke to someone who had a bedroom free in Cerro Polanco, and we take it. We just used it for sleep because we passed all day walking, knowing Valparaiso, the first day we went to Pedro Montt St and we saw a carnaval, I don’t remember what parties was, but I loved it, the music, the dancers, artists, painters, everything was so alive that a feel agog to see more and more. We can’t stop walking everyday of that holiday, we ate “chorrillana”, fish, sellfish, anything.  We went to the port, the elevators, the beach, the Valparaiso market.

I considerer that holiday like the best because It was the first time that I vas alone, sighseeing just what i'm wanted to see, walking where my feet take me. After that y traveled to another plays. And my next holiday, I will love to go, to the North.