lunes, 1 de abril de 2013


Hi, mi name is Arlyn Farias, and i'm studing Geography in Universidad de Chile. I live in Talagante but I want to move to Santiago because the congestion from that area to Santiago is horrible, and serously i'm tired to travel everyday.
I'm 20 years old and i'm single. After a very big problem I decide finish my relattionship of 4 year and a half.
I like who I am, with strengths and weaknesses. I accept myself as I am.
I love travel, last summer I went to south of Chile, It's so beautiful, really i'm falling in love of every tree, cloud, rain I saw. Who would believe it? RAIN in middle of summer. While everybody die in hot here in Santiago, I'm crossing the Canal de Chacao with a lot of rain and ufff!! wind. The wind was so strong that it made me lose balance. The most funny was the people in there sais " This is summer-rain, it's so mild." jaja, I laughed and thought "I can imagine how is in the middle of winter". Eventhough I will love to stay a winter in there. I always like cold.
I want to go again, a thousand times jeje, even if I don't have money. The people is so nice, kind and relax. Unfortunately I don't have any photo, because my ex-boyfriend took it, and Im not speaking with him, so everything I saw is just in my mind.
Anyway, It was a wonderful trip, it really was.

About another subject, absolutely different, I love Colplay, they are my favourite group band, I knew them around 6 year ago, and I wanted to go to the only show they are done here in Chile, but I was so much young that my parents don't let me go. Beside no one wanted go with me. However, I'm still waiting through some day, tthe deign to come here again. Last year was a romuor, but never concrete.
Anothe day, I will write more about me and my experience.
Thanks for watching!

2 comentarios:

  1. i like coldplay too!!! i cant go with you some day! and scream thoghether, and i know how you feel, i like fall out boy, and they there come (the only one they come) i can´t go... :(
    you are a strong girl, finish a relationship about 4 years, should be so dificulty, and sorry about your pictures, i think that these pictures are soo beatifull, the rain its cool!, you thinks going to alaska?, some people say me that is like the south of Chile, but have some mistical, (like lord of the ring or narnia hahaha), that you can't find in other place...

    i hope read more about you...
    to brighten up...And dreams of para-para-paradise (8) lalalalala xD

  2. Arlyn,

    I was expecting to read about your oral presentation, but it's not here! You need to come to classes more often, if not you're getting a bad mark, not only in the blog...

    A Confession: I like Coldplay too, I went to their concert many years ago...but don't tell anyone-


