lunes, 8 de julio de 2013

My High School Experierence

The memories that I have about High Scool, are good. very good actually. When I recreate in my mind that scenes so funnies, jokes, etc. I laugh out loud.
I think everything was so cool and funny because my school, was very catholic, and wherever we do wrong they respond by being severe and, in my opinion, even overreacting.
I remember one time, in the school's gym, were boring, we had 3 weeks to get out of class, and when the boys finished to play football, they made a bet: " The looser side, has to run in lingerie for the gardens of the school.
Imagine the shock of the teachers when they saw 10 men's in lingerie running in the hall, jajaja, that was funny but it wasn't the only thing. When all of them was running and the teachers would freak out, one friend of mine, fell, he tripped with his pants, and fly by the green and  wet grass. Greats moments, obviously, they punished us, spoke with us and a lot of thing, I remember when the Academic Coordinator says to us, " I'm very disappointed of you, I never think that you were able to do that". This phrases have a lot of sense  after, when 3 mates, opened a extinguisher in the Chemistry laboratory. and decorated the place. jejeje

In adition, in my high school's years I knew people very important, even in that time I found my best friends, who I'm still talking with them. I remember some people that I know there, but unfortunately we lost contact and we take separate ways.

That years was very funny, I wish I could come back, when everything was easier and simple. But it can't be.

1 comentario:

  1. Dear Arlyn,

    Word count 292. Very good!

    Your writing is not very good though. Please, check and correct the following obs.;

    The (remembers) MEMORIES that I have about High Scool, are good. very good actually. When I recreatE in my mind (that scenes so funnies, jokes),

    ... they maDe a bet: " The looser side, has to run in lingerie (for the gardens of the school)

    Imagine the shock of the teachers when they sAW 10 men('s) in lingerie running (for) the hall, jajaja, that was funny but it wasn't the only thing. When all of them (are) running and the teachers would freak out, one friend(s) of mine,

    (y a los of thing) (I'm still remember) when the Academic Coordinator (sais) to us,
    … Chemistry (laboratior) and decorated the place. jejeje

    In (adition) in my high school's years I (meet) 2)people 1)very important, even (in) that time I (meet) my best friends, who I'm still talking with (them).

    I remember some people that (a I know) there, but unfortunately we lost contact and we (take) separate ways.

    (That's years) was very funny…


